The Colorado River. Source: Business for Water Stewardship
The Colorado River has experienced 19 years of drought and unprecedented low reservoir levels in Lake Mead. This is particularly dire for “lower basin states” (CA, AZ, and NV) who’s water security is impacted by this reservoir. Due to recent legal changes in how the water rights of the CO River Indian Tribes (CRIT) can be used, this project has the potential to contribute an approximately two-foot increase in depth to Lake Mead and will directly shore up water supplies for the lower basins state and minimize the likelihood of Bureau of Reclamation shortage declarations. In addition to the important voluntary conservation measures being implemented by the lower basin states, this project enters into agreements for water transactions to conserve and store water that would otherwise be delivered and used. System conservation projects such as this one secure and store water that directly contributes to water security in AZ & CA.
This system conservation project directly bolsters water security for Southern CA served by the Colorado River Aqueduct. If the project is not funded, in part through private funding, the water will be delivered for consumptive use and not accrue to benefit lower CO River water users (including SoCal via CO River Aqueduct).
Key highlights of this project include:
Supports interstate and federal commitments to shore up water supply for states that draw water from lower CO river
Supports tribal efforts to modernize irrigation infrastructure and conserve additional water for future supply
Project lead: Environmental Defense Fund | Bonneville Environmental Foundation
Participating CWAC members: Microsoft | Intel | Target
To learn more: Contact Sara Hoversten, Director, Business for Water Stewardship BEF - []